Strange worlds unfold in 360-degree audio — and complete darkness.
Step inside DARKFIELD'S new container experience INVISIBLE
Enter, sit down, and please welcome to the stage… The Invisible Man.
Listen as he teaches you how to disappear…
Now that you know the secret… what are you going to do with this remarkable talent?Can you resist the temptation to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting people around you… After all, if you can’t be seen, how can you be held responsible for all the terrible things you might choose to do?
INVISIBLE is a communal experience using complete darkness and 360-degree binaural sound. Over 30 minutes in a shipping container audiences will be greeted by The Invisible Man as he guides you through the art of invisibility and the responsibility therein.
INVISIBLE questions our understanding of what it means to be present in the world. Is it enough for us to believe we exist or do we need a witness?
Along with the Australian premiere of INVISIBLE fan-favourites, SÉANCE and FLIGHT, return to the Garden
DARKFIELD utilises their signature 360-degree audio, sensory effects, and hyper-realistic sets to place you in the middle of intense narratives that will leave you questioning reality.
Please welcome to the stage… The Invisible Man. Listen as he teaches you how to disappear…
Now that you know the secret… what are you going to do with this remarkable talent? Will you use it for good—or give in to the temptation of chaos?
INVISIBLE questions our understanding of what it means to be present in the world. Is it enough for us to believe we exist or do we need a witness?
A twist on a traditional séance relying on psychology and inclination towards superstition to alter your perception of reality.
Step inside, take a seat, but don’t get comfortable.
SÉANCE transforms a shipping container into a Victorian séance room. It explores the psychology of a group of people who have been bombarded with suggestible material and asks that they believe in what might be conjured up into the room with them.
Do you believe…?
Two journeys, two worlds, two realities: There are many worlds in which this plane lands safely.
In the unlikely event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, alternative scenarios will be provided.
FLIGHT explores the many worlds interpretation of Quantum Mechanics proposes all possible outcomes that could occur are occurring in countless worlds of varying similarity.
We’re not responsible for your final destination.